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What are hair extensions?
This is adding hair to your own hair by means of fusion (strand by strand), weaving, braiding, bonding, seamless, clips and more. There are many variations to all of these techniques and stylists call these by different names. I will be educating you on the most popular terms. Extensions are usually applied by a stylist but many customers are doing this at home. Human hair extensions can be cut, curled and styled.
What makes Glamour Hair the best?
One company can be better than another and sell better hair. The most important things are choosing hair and the processing. Only the best raw hair is chosen before it is treated. This is high quality, healthy and strong hair. This produces a higher grade of extension hair that will last longer without tangling or drying. Processing is vital. Many companies process hair differently. Different processing makes different qualities of hair. We sell the world's best hair.
European Remi Cuticle hair -The ultimate luxury in hair. The healthiest hair is hand picked strand by strand. This ensures all cuticles are laying in the same direction. Our cuticle hair is superior quality, soft to the touch. Long lasting and tangle free. The weft is sewn to help eliminate shedding.
How are extensions applied?
Fusion, or Pre bonded Hair - This is a process done strand by strand in small sections. Using heated adhesive sticks and glue gun made for hair extensions, extension hair is added directly to your own hair. Hair can be bought already cut, weft removed and pre tipped with adhesive, a purging tool is used to warm the adhesive and apply it to your hair. Your hair lies over the top for a natural look. We sell a starter kit with glue gun video and all items you need to use a gun and adhesive sticks method and we sell pre bonded hair with the tool.
Weaving - This is a process which you create a corn row or track around the head and close to the scalp. Extension hair is sewn on the tracks. Your own hair lays over the tracks for a natural look.
Bonding - This is the easiest method. A bonding glue is applied onto the weft of the extension hair and then applied at the root of your hair. This is a temporary method. We sell bonding glue and remover.
Clip ins - Clips have been sewn onto human extensions hair. You may clip these in and out yourself. Clips can be purchased from us and sewn on a ¼ pound of hair yourself or you may order Beautiful clip in extensions made by Raquel Welch already done.
Micro-Links - This method uses no glue, no heat, no remover and also no damage to the hair. Small circular links are used. Your own hair is pulled through in small pieces with a tool that looks like a crochet hook then the pre tipped hair is put inside the link and it is squeezed tight. To remove use pinchers to open the link. Hair can be reused. Weaves can be done with links. Make a row of links and sew extension hair to the links. You can also use a link in certain spots that may be lifting to hold it down or make it to your next appointment. Links are also used to make a circle and sew down a hairpiece or to hold down wigs. The plus is no glue and no heat and they are very small so they lay really flat and are hard to see.
Tape on seamless hair extensions - This is a hot new product. The wefted part of the hair is made from a polyurethane really thin flat strip that is already pre taped with a stick double sided tape. You just pull the backing off and apply the hair. Easy to do yourself. It lasts a few days or you can add the adhesive we sell and it lasts several months. Undetectable as the hair lies flat to the head no one knows you are wearing them if they touch your head. They are very comfortable to wear and easy to apply.
This is my first time. What do I do?
Choose whether you want to apply them yourself or have a professional put them in. Choose the color that matches your own hair, a length and curl pattern. There are 3 methods that can be done by your self, clip ons, bonding and seamless. This also depends on how skilled you are doing your own hair. You may want help from a friend. All other methods need a professional or someone who is skilled with this. You may also take your new hair to an extensionist to have hair added. The most important part of hair extensions is the right hair. By purchasing the hair yourself, you are in charge of this very important decision and will save money.
What color should I choose?
When choosing a color to match your own hair, choose a color that matches your hair from the middle to the ends. Never buy hair the color of your out growth as that is always darker. The blending of your hair on the bottom part is most important. We sell color rings so you can get an exact match. Glamour hair comes in many beautiful shades to choose from. All computer monitors show colors differently so please order a color ring to be 100% sure.
How much hair do I need?
Each person is different depending on how thick the hair is wanted, where it is being placed, head size, how it is being applied, styled or cut etc. Since we cannot do a face to face consultation this is a guide only. If possible see a professional for guidance.
Seamless: We recommend 1–2 packages for thin to medium of hair.
Weft hair and pre tipped hair: We recommend: ¼ to ½ pound for thin to medium hair. Thicker hair and fuller longer styles may need more. Pre tipped hair: 130 pieces = approx. ¼ pound. Weft hair is sold by the ¼ pound weight and not the width.
You may need more hair if:
Choosing straight hair since it lays flatter.
Choosing 22” or longer since you get more hair in length versus width and fullness.
Your hair is thick, you have heavy layers or a bob cut.
What is a weft?
Strands of hair which have been sewn along one edge to create a line of hair.
What is the difference between regular weft and micro thin hand tied weft?
Hand Tied: The wefts have been pre cut to approximately 10 inch pieces and have been sewn by hand to make the smallest wefting possible for the most invisible look. Pieces should not be cut or they will unravel. The smallness of the Hand tied weft is great for weaving. Hand tied hair can be cut from the weft to use for fusions.
Regular weft: this hair is not cut into pieces but is one continuous weft that can be cut. The weft is slightly larger than the hand tied. Our remi hair regular weft is also a very flat nice small weft. Hint: To help against shedding after you cut the weft add some bonding glue on the edges.
How many pieces come with the hand tied?
Hair is measured by the ¼ pound. These pieces (approximately 10 inch) are hand sewn so the amount of hair in each piece can differ. How many pieces you receive also depends on the length you choose. You will get more pieces with 14-inch hair than you would 22-inch hair.
What is the width of a ¼ pound of hair?
Hair is sold by the ¼ pound and not by the width of the weft. Human hair can be sewn a little thicker or thinner on the weft. This is why you want to order by the ¼ pound and not measure the weft. You want to get an exact ¼ pound of hair for your money.
Will extensions damage my hair?
Extensions should not damage your hair if properly cared for and maintained. You must be careful brushing. If you have a tangle, hold the hair while you brush it especially if your hair is fragile. Have them redone about every 6 weeks.
Can I brush, curl blow dry and wash it?
Absolutely! This is your new hair. Curl it and have fun. Though you can wash everyday you will find that your extensions hair will stay clean and curled for days. Wake up too late this morning? No problem. Your hair still looks great! This does not apply to all hair curl patterns. Deep wave and very curly textures you may not want to brush out or it can get frizzy. This hair let air dry, use a wide tooth comb if you choose and scrunch. Please note hair will dry out sooner when using blow dryers and hot implements. Air drying is a great idea.
How do I wash them?
Wash the hair in one direction. From top to bottom. Avoid washing hair upside down in the sink. Use shampoos and conditioners that are for dry hair and add the most moisture. Wash hair right after swimming. When brushing your hair, start from the bottom and work your way up while holding the top part to keep it from shedding or stretching.
Can I color or perm the extension hair?
The great thing about our human hair is it comes with the perm in it and you can choose your color. Because the hair has been processed and sterilized we do not advise doing any more chemical treatments on it as it can easily be ruined or not come out the color you want. If you do decide to it is best to use a semi permanent color or color conditioner and not peroxide.
What about coloring my own hair?
You or your stylist may definetly color your own hair. Just color the area of hair that has been left out of the extensions. Careful not to get color on the extensions hair as it grabs color really fast.
What types of products should I use?
Moisture is the most important thing. Please do not use products for oily hair or strippers that take out chlorine or product build up. These leave the hair dry. Use styling products that are zero or low alcohol. Products for dry hair are the best. We recommend using only our hair care products. Spray in conditioners and glossifiers are wonderful for the ends.
You may go in swimming pools and hot tubs. It is best to wash hair right after swimming. Avoid getting hair in salt water as the salt can take all the moisture out of the hair and it tangle. Never braid your hair and go in salt water. It is best to wear it down. Add a spray in conditioner after swimming.
Will anyone know I am wearing them?
No one should be able to tell. Choosing the right color and curl pattern is important. With the right application you'll know they are there but no one else will.
How long will my hair last?
There are many factors. First you want to buy the very best Remy hair, use the right products and care for it properly so they will last longer. The best hair will tangle less and not shed as much. All human hair sold for hair extensions are processed and sterilized, colored, sometimes permed and is not raw hair, it does not have the natural oils your own hair does and dries out and thins from brushing over time. Even the best hair need to be replaced. Each person is different, depending on climate, water, products used, care for the hair, brushing, using blow dryers and hot irons, how it was applied, swimming, how often washed, etc. Due to all these factors no one can give an exact amount of days hair will last. Companies that do this are misleading as each person has different circumstances. They can last for many months or be easily ruined if not cared for properly.
What is the difference between European remy hair extensions and regular remy hair extensions?
Regular remy hair extensions is a super high quality human hair that is easy on the pocket book. Glamour Hair European remy hair extensions is the finest hair on the market today. Only sold by Glamour Hair, it is the world's best hair. It is pure luxury and you are worth it!
Glamour Hair sells the longest lasting best Remy hair on the market. We love hair extensions and wear them ourselves. We want the most beautiful quality longest lasting hair that money can buy. We want to look beautiful and don't want anyone knowing we are wearing extensions. No frizzy dried out hair for us or our customers!:)
What color do I choose?
We provide color charts and sell color rings for each brand so you can choose the perfect color for you. When choosing a color choose a shade that matches your own hair or slightly lighter. Match the middle and ends of your hair and not the new outgrowth. *Colors may be represented differently on different computer monitors.
Should I choose straight or wavy hair?
Straight extensions are nice for straight styles that you do not wish to have much curl. Body wave extensions are so versatile because they can be worn straight or curled. They are fuller due to the wave.
How much hair do I need?
One set is usually enough. You may like more than one set of clip ons if: you are going quite a bit longer than your own hair, your hair is thick or you have a short haircut. You can add as much hair as you like making your new hair extensions as thick or long as you want.
Are extensions hard to put in?
Easy to apply extensions are do it yourself and fun to apply. At first you may need a little help but in no time you will be putting your hair in and out in minutes. The clips are very secure and easy to put in. You do not have to be a stylist and can do this in the privacy of your own home. Each brand comes with easy instructions showing how to apply the hair. You can view our videos to see how to apply them.
Will extensions damage my hair?
No, they will not damage your own hair. Clip on extensions are a great alternative to weaving, braiding and adhesive hair extensions, which can damage your own hair. Clip ons can give your head a rest and help healthy hair grow.
How do I care for my new extensions?
Easy! Each brand comes with care instructions. You will shampoo and condition with a mild shampoo for dry hair. You do not have to do this often. Extension hair does not get as dirty as your regular hair. The less you wash them the longer they will last. Use a leave in detangler or glossifier. Use only low settings on curling irons and blow dryers. *Let hair dry naturally if you can. Caruso steamrollers are great for extensions because they add moisture to the hair.
Can I color my extensions?
Clip on extensions have already been processed so we do not recommend processing them again. There is no guarantee they will come out the color you want. If you decide to color the extensions use semi permanent colors or color conditioners and shampoos. Before coloring the entire set use the tester pieces that are included with your new hair.
Can I brush my hair with my extensions in?
Yes, brush them lightly and carefully so they are not pulled out of place once you have applied them.
Can I wear my extensions to bed?
We recommend taking them out before your go to bed. This keeps the hair from
tangling while sleeping and they are easy to put back in. The great advantage to clip on extensions is being able to take them off at night.
Can I cut my extensions?
Yes, you can cut the extensions. The hair tends to be a bit thinner towards the end of the extensions just like real hair grows. We recommend giving them a trim or cut to get the style you are looking for and to clean up the ends.
What products should I use on my hair extensions?
Use only glamour hair products on your hair extensions. Our products are made specifically for hair extensions to not dry them out and all shine and mositure.
Will hair extensions work with curly hair?
Clip on hair extensions come in straight and a slight wave and do not work with curly hair unless your hair is straightened.
Will hair extensions work with real thin hair?
Yes, depending on the severity of the thinning. You will need enough hair to lie over the top of the weft and clip to cover it. Backcombing the hair above the weft can help hide the weft and clip. Backcombing and hair spraying the hair where you will attach the clip helps make the clip even more secure.
Can I make highlights and lowlights with clip on extensions?
Yes, this is also a great way to save your hair from the damage coloring can do. Choose 1 set of clip ons to match your base color and choose 1 set in a shade lighter for highlights or darker for low lights. Clip them in alternating the colors.
How long will my hair stay on and last?
Temporary Wear approximately 2-5 days. Hair may be reused.
Extended wear: approximately 2-3 months. Hair may be reused.
Each person is different due to how fast their hair grows, scalp condition, climate, water, application, products, blow dryers and irons used and treatment and care of the hair. This varies with each person and estimates are approximate. Some clients can wear hair longer than others.
How do you apply Seamless Extensions?
There are 2 easy ways to apply. Temporary wear simply cut a strip of hair, pull the liner off and apply. Extended wear simply cut a strip of hair, pull the liner off add adhesive for extra security and apply one more strip back to back.
What makes Seamless Extensions different from other methods?
Seamless Extensions are not sewn on a weft which can be bulky. It is a pre taped very thin flat seamless polyurethane strip. They lie flat to the head and feel natural, comfortable and are undetectable.
Does the loose wave hold its curl?
It is meant to have body only this way you can wear it curled or straight. It does hold curl.
Can I color or perm the hair?
Do not color, perm or put any chemicals on this hair. It is 100% human hair however it will ruin the tape and polyurethane weft and the hair can be easily ruined since it has already been processed. You want to order hair that matches your color and not color the extensions to match your hair. It is best to purchase a color ring.
How much hair do I need?
This is different with each client depending on how much hair you wish to add and how thick you want your hair. 1 or 2 sets are usually plenty. If you have hair left over it can be saved for the next application. Only 1 set is needed for highlights.
What color should I choose?
When choosing a color to match your own hair, choose a color that matches your hair from the middle to the ends. Never buy hair the color of your out growth as that is always darker. The blending of your hair on the bottom part is most important. We sell color rings on this page so you can get an exact match. Seamless hair comes in many beautiful shades to choose from.
How do I wash them?
Wash the hair in one direction, from top to bottom. Do not wring or scrub. Gently work shampoo through hair and rinse in one direction from top to bottom. Apply conditioner gently. Avoid washing hair upside down in the sink. Use shampoos and conditioners that are for dry hair and add the most moisture. Use a leave in detangeler also. Wash hair right after swimming. When brushing your hair, start from the bottom and work your way up while holding the top part to keep it from shedding or stretching.